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On Stage and Beyond: Kamila's Journey with ICP English Theatre Club


Dear Reader,

Have you ever wondered how joining a theatre club can transform your life? After interviewing Michelle last April, who joined the theatre club in January, I thought it would be interesting to learn about a member who has been with us since the project started.

Today, we will hear from Kamila, a talented costume designer whose contributions have been vital to our theatre productions. Kamila joined us three years ago, right at the start of the project. Originally from Uzbekistan, Kamila shares her experiences of moving to Prague, learning a new language, and finding a creative outlet in theatre.

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to Prague?

A: My name is Kamila. I’m 29 years old, and I’ve been living in Prague for three years. I moved here for work after graduating. I was looking for a job, and one company that offered me a position was based in Prague. So, that’s how I ended up here.

Q: How do you find living in Prague compared to Łódź?

A: Prague is much bigger, and there’s always something happening. You can go for a walk and end up seeing a performance or visiting a museum. I really enjoy living here. The culture is different, and even the temperature is different, but I love the vibrant atmosphere.

Q: How has learning Czech been for you?

A: It’s hard, very hard. I attended courses from the ICP Integration Centre of Prague, completing A1 and A2 levels. I have basic survival Czech; I can order food and beer, but that’s about it. I’m trying to improve, though.

Q: How did you find out about the ICP English Theatre Club?

A: I think I saw an ad on Facebook or maybe in a city newsletter. I had just finished my Czech courses and thought it would be cool to try something creative, like costume making, but I ended up performing instead.

Q: What was your first impression of the theatre club?

A: This is my first theatre club, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I really love the atmosphere and the community. It’s all international people, like me, who just came to Prague and are looking for friends or a place to practice English and perform. I really like it.

Q: What do you enjoy most about the theatre club?

A: I love the creativity and the freedom to express yourself. Even though we’re all from different backgrounds, we have something that connects us. Maybe it’s being an expat in a foreign country or our personality types, but there’s definitely a unique bond.

Q: What have you learned from being in the theatre club?

A: I’ve learned to slow down my speech, project my voice, and perform confidently. It’s taught me how to improvise, act, and be open with the public. There are many things I’ve learned.

Q: What are the requirements to join the theatre club?

A: The rules are pretty common sense: be polite, respect each other, no harassment or bullying. Other than that, there are no special requirements. You don’t have to be an actor or have any theatrical background. You just come as you are.

Q: How long have you been a member of the theatre club?

A: I’ve been with the theatre club for about two years. I’m taking a break this year, but I’ve been taking part in the first two years of the project, and I had a role in both performances.

Q: How did you feel about performing in those shows?

A: Performing was definitely exciting. The first performance was more children-oriented and really fun. We had time machines and future travel themes—it was very playful. The second performance was more philosophical. I opened up and shared my personal story, which was a bit scary but also very rewarding. Both experiences helped me grow and express myself in different ways.

Q: Do you have a memorable moment or activity from the theatre club?

A: One memorable activity was when we practiced speaking with corks from wine bottles in our mouths. It was difficult, but really helped with articulation. I remember that class clearly because it made a big difference in how I speak.

Q: Would you recommend the theatre club to others, and if so, why?

A: Absolutely. Joining the theatre club is great for making friends in a new country, practicing English, and developing public speaking skills. It’s also wonderful for personal development and learning how to perform on stage. The theatre club offers a supportive environment where you can grow and express yourself creatively.

Q: Any final thoughts on your journey with the theatre club?

A: Being part of the theatre club has been transformative. It’s allowed me to explore different aspects of myself and understand others better. Theatre is a powerful platform for expression and connection, making me feel less like an outsider and more like part of a community.

Kamila’s story clearly illustrates the many benefits of joining the ICP English Theatre Club. Being part of a theatre club offers a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in theatre and grow both personally and socially. Kamila's journey from being new to Prague to becoming a confident performer highlights the positive impact that joining a theatre club can have on individuals.

If you're considering joining a theatre club, take Kamila’s advice and go for it. It’s a chance to learn, grow, and become part of a vibrant, creative community.

Thank you for joining me in exploring Kamila's inspiring journey with the ICP English Theatre Club. I hope her story encourages you to pursue your passions, find creative outlets, and connect with communities that uplift and inspire you. May you find joy and growth in every step of your journey, whether it's in theatre, personal development, or simply embracing new experiences.

Your Companion in Creativity,

Nancy Castrogiovanni

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